Our Programs
What ARC - RLSR Does
ARC-LRSR is working with women organization to support them in securing credit facilities. Some of the programs include:
- Mobilization of communities to participate in development projects.
- Linking women to affordable credit facilities
- Training in SME, agribusiness and market linkages
- Market linkages
- Value addition support
- Linkages with government instittutions and other donor agencies
Activities Proposed by UN Women
ARC-LRSR has financial resources necessary to support the activities proposed by UN women. The source
of funds ranges from the contribution of seed funds from the directors (Founders). We have also partnered
with other organizations such women enterprise fund and CHAOBA SACCO LTD which are our partners
and sponsors to be able to deliver most of programs. We have strong organizational culture of work
ethics and professionalism being spearheaded by highly qualified experts.
Climate Change
ARC-LRSR experts conducting interviews on the impacts of climate change among the pastoralists of
Climate Change and Adaptation
ARC-LRSR is in the fore forefront of conducting research on climate change and adaptation. Our team in
partnership with University of Nairobi, Bristol University, UK recently received a research grant from
Cabolt fund to conduct research on the impacts of climate change coping strategies and its impacts on
public health among the pastoralists in Marsabit County. ARC-LRSR is working closely with the local
communities mostly ravaged by the effects of climate change to devise other alternative sources of
Tree Planting
Tree seedling production for afforestation
Tree Planing
ARC-LRSR is working with grass root communities to increase forest coverage in Kenya. We have
supported tree farmers to plant over 10,000 trees. Some of our upcoming projects include production
of tree seedlings to be distributed in local primary schools and also to more members of the community.
Children being sponsored by ARC-LRSR receives school fees cheques
ARC-LRSR is committed to promotion of girl child education. The organization is sponsoring over 50 girls
from poor families to be able to attain secondary education. Our organization recognize that an
educated girl is a liberalized citizen who has given the freedom to define their own destinies. ARC-LRSR
long term aspiration is to ensure that 200 girl children form poor background are supported every year
to get through secondary education.
Women Empowerment
ARC-LRSR is working with grass root women to start and run alternative income generating ventures
ranging from agribusiness and other retail businesses. The organization is linking such women with
financial lenders such as Chaoba Sacco. We walk these women entrepreneurs through growth paths. We
are committed to changing lives through innovative livelihoods alternatives